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PC Gameing is dieing!


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Nah its not dieing. The GAME near me has loads of new pc games. As do other shops like HMV and Virgin megastores. Are you meaning EB as in electronics bootique or what ever they are called because they got taken over by GAME. I did'nt think there were any left. Now they are dieing.
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When I was in America I found it extremely difficult to locate the PC gaming section in their EB shops -- they seem to have turned their attention to console games. I don't think its a reflection on the gaming market however.
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It was thought there would be a down-turn in 2003-2004 of PC games, and possibly there are less fodder being produced, but look at what we also got - 2004 is being proclaimed as the best year ever for PC gaming. It is worrying that many games that should be good are then made for multi-console and turn out rubbish (all together now, Deus Ex: Invisible War). But we are also getting classics of gaming, and this will continue into the future.


I wouldn't worry about the size of the shelves getting smaller - i'd look at the titles and the quality of them.

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It is so not dieing and if it is I refuse to believe it... You just think that because the demand for better graphics is getting so intense that some companies just don't know what to do
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I dont think its dieing at all, i just dont think that companies are releasing less and less rubbish onto the Market unlike the consoles, which seem to be overwhelmed with absolutly diabolical (sp?) games that no one in there right mind would play!


So maybe it isnt a case of the selection of PC Games getting smaller but the number of Console Games getting larger.

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Many people are discouraged from buying new PC games becasue the don't feel that their computers can handle them. PC games tend to fell like a lot less of a "solid package." They come with all sorts of manuals and papers, require instiallation, and patching. Console game,s on the other hand, are pick-up, pop the disc in and go.


I don't, however, think that the PC market is dying. With such promising games on the horizon as S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Doom 3 EXP, Das Reich 2005, Age of Empires 3, and Guild Wars, how could it be? PC gaming has much more room to expand, due to its readily accessible internet, direct networking, LAN capabilities, and the ability to create modifications for games provide limitless play. Consoles, on the other hand, don't.

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I don't, however, think that the PC market is dying.  With such promising games on the horizon as S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Doom 3 EXP, Das Reich 2005, Age of Empires 3, and Guild Wars, how could it be?


Don't forget the much wanted and anticipated Oblivion. :grin:

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