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Looking for a Overhaul that avoid grinding


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I've been playing Skyrim since 11/11/11, and started several saves, used tons of mods. Everytime, I end up grinding. I've tried SkyTweak, but I'm not satisfied yet.


Lately I've been looking for an Overhaul, that keep maximum immersion, wich is very important to me. But I really want to enjoy everything the mod/game has to offer without grinding.


Do you know a Overhaul for me ?

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Perhaps what you need is not one overhaul but several. Civil Unrest + Warzones, Deadly Dragons + Improved Dragon AI for example. One mod will add only one type of behavior and it's easier to predict after a while but a few mods working together should create more varied effects during gameplay.

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What do you mean by "grinding"? You mean killing lots and lots of enemies, or do you mean having to increase skills by crafting thousands of useless items?


If you want to level more easily, or you'd like crafting to level you up faster, then you should use Elys Uncapper. It's configurable to give you whatever experience points you want for different activities.

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" or do you mean having to increase skills by crafting thousands of useless items? "


That's exactly what I meant. I know by heart how to rank up in Enchanting, Smithing and Alchemy now, and want to play a new adventure but without doing all that useless stuff. And I felt like cheating. I'm looking for a Overhaul that would make the game still challenging, immersive and with lot of diversity, but without having to farm. I've been looking into SkyRe and Requiem, is it a good place to start ?

( thanks for all the answers )

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I personally enjoy SKYRE, it offers a definitely improved gameplay mechanics, without making the game to overly difficult.


Requiem is also a nice mod, but expect to die....a lot, I find that Requiem tends to make the game unecessarily hard for the sake of roleplay, but can still be very enjoyable at the higher levels.

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Then don't grind? Personally I never grinded in the game. Smithing and enchanting just came. I often had a ton of junk like petty gems and ingots lying around the house, so I just crafted and enchanted them to raise their sell value. I never deliberately smithed or enchanted to level up or gain items. The game already levels up with you unless you use Requiem or SkyRe, and you don't need specific equipment or levels to clear a stage. You just have to play right. Heck I went into Saarthal at level 1 with SkyRe installed, no armor, just mage robes, and my only weapons are Sparks and Summon Familiar, and I fought off Restless Draugr and that Gauldur boss in the end with nothing but the clothes on my back and the bow and arrows I picked up from the draugr, on Master difficulty.


There's no need ever to grind in the game IMO. If you craft too much trying to get items, you'll make the game imbalanced against you because as you level up your crafting and base levels, your fighting skills does not improve. However the world levels up as well, and the fighting skills of the bandits improve. They don't put experience on smithing on a bandit, they put it in armors, or weapons. So you for example have a 100 smithing but just 30 in one hand and 30 in armors, but you are going up against a group of bandits with 5 smithing, 80 armor and 80 two hand. That's why you feel the need to grind, because you'll be forced to grind to get the item levels you need to make up for your lack of fighting skill.


If you want to play a game without having to do all that enchanting and smithing and crafting, then don't do them.

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