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Grass/Shrub LOD always loaded


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I've been modding for a couple of decades now and usually can figure things out myself. But this one has me really stumped! For some reason every time i run TexGen, then DynDOLOD and activate them i get persistent Grass/Shrub LOD's that will not go away near me and no LOD's for them past the uGrid 5 boundry. I'm using DynDOLOD 2.98 with the proper resources on a pretty sizeable load order. I run both TexGen and DynDOLOD wth the standard preset options. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
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Sounds strange indeed. If I understood correctly, the faulty shrub LODS only appear after using Dyndolod and installing its output as a mod, right?


In this case, you might have found a rare bug with Dyndolod.


I'd recommend giving Dyndolod 3.x a try. IMHO, it's already the far better tool. And now, that some kinks in the initial versions are ironed out, it's very reliable.

I'd also check your load order for mods (e.g. Flora overhauls), that might add some shrub LODS of their own.


EDIT: This might also be an engine bug. If you save in an exterior cell, the game doesn't alway update LOD correctly. There's a mod, that fixes this:



If your test save game was made somewhere outside, the LOD unloading bug fix should solve the issue.

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