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How to Improve visuals with ENB Boost or Without ENB ?


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So ive added ENB Real Visions (performance) and zENB (performance) and they look amazingly incredible but they cost me aprox -10fps (i play at 35fps in average not bad i know) , without ENB my fps are around 42 fps and with ENB BOOST aprox 45 fps...so clearly using ENB BOOST is even better than Vanilla O.O!


Anyway the problem with ENB BOOST (which i think disables 90% of normal ENB) or Vanilla is that graphics look so washed out and generally awful :sad: , is there a better way to improve the visuals with or without ENB BOOST to something very similar at REAL VISIONS ENB? , while at the same time not falling to much in fps if using normal ENB...

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Sometimes enhanced textures will do it, saturation boosts, contrast boosts, lighting overhauls can even do it to some extent. It just depends on how you want to go. For instance mine, I use Enhanced Lighting and FX, a saturation booster, and very few textures that my computer can handle (and I get less FPS than you), but they look decent for my potato of a rig. Others may have some better advice, but my best advice, is researching a lot of the textures, overhauls, and replacers. Then go into the lighting and saturation.

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You can use ENBoost with SweetFX through the use of a proxy. Just set up ENBoost like you are not going to use an ENB at all, removing all unneeded files and setting up the ini correctly.


First you need to set up a proxy;

Change the d3d9.dll included with whatever SeetFX mod you choose with SweetFX_d3d9.dll. Do NOT change the name of the dll included with ENBoost!!!

Then open the enblocal.ini included with ENBoost and change the Proxy section so that it looks like this.







Alright, now that your proxy is done, download a SweetFX mod, and change d3d9.dll included with it SweetFX_d3d9.dll like I mentioned above. Make sure that the drd9.dll you need for ENBoost is still in your Skyrim folder, otherwise you won't get the effect of ENBoost.


I suggest Ultimate Lighting Overhaul as your SweetFX mod it is very realistic in it's design.


To get a very ENB like look with a SweetFX mod is possible, bet hard. Lucky for you I just spent the last week or so working on exactly that. lol


Download Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Lights and FX - These two together alter the lighting of the world to be super realistic and breath takingly well designed.


Finally, Dynavision gives the DoF of ENB, I suggest setting it to "static"as this serves to blur our just very distant things, and doesn't have the nasty "snap" visuals of most DoF.


Also, I have a preset for ULO, that makes nights a bit darker, that is designed around these mods. I am actually mostly just linking you this for the screenshots, as it shows all these mentioned mods in action.

ULO - Dramatic Cinematic


EDIt; and for textures I use 2k Textures lite and Book of Silence. In addition to several other random single off texture replacers that those things miss.

Edited by ArtMurder
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Ive been using Climates of Tamriel (all default) Alongside Realistic Lightings Overhaul adapted to ENB Visions (performance Settings) ill take down RLO keep CoT default and try this 3 mods Art Murder and pheo339 mentions, i guess Ultimate Lighting Overhaul is Compatible with Enhanced Light FX right? (idk i ask cause i see lighting in both :tongue:) , the immersive saturation and contrast boosts ive found i think conflict each other :O , so ill put those as optional at the end see which to get...


Do i keep using the ENB Boost Wrapper Version with ULO right?



pd: already have dynavision just didnt use the static option will try after done this :smile:


EDIT: Noooooo it says Enhanced Light FX is incompatible with Lanterns of Skyrim D:! any workaround T_T will it ctd if i use em both? can i keep using RLO with ULO instead?

Edited by Maniax2
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I use ELFX with lanterns of skyrim and don't see any conflict o.O I just think it doesn't add the smoke effect to them like it does everything else, this is the only real problem I can think of.


and I don;'t think RLO is compatible with CoT or ELFX, but ULO is a SweetFX mod which is compatible with... well everything. lol It basically is an effect shader, and doesn't do anything at all inside the game itself, kinda like an ENB, but it just does it in a very different way then ENB. XD


also, yeah, the wrapper version should be fine, just set up the proxy how I mentioned.


Imaginator is an awesome tool as well, it lets you manually edit saturation, contract, lighting, and more IN GAME, but I stopped using it do to the save game bloat problem... No idea if they ever fixed that. lol

Edited by ArtMurder
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On Enhanced Lighting FX it says the ELFX exterior module is not compatible with Lanterns of Skyrim i guess ill just go with main module and Enhancer


Yeah RLO is compatible with CoT just requires specific modular options to be selected so they dont conflict...also about ULO , step two says:


STEP 2: In order to switch between Enhanced, Fantasy, Grim, Lite, High, Ultra, simply copy the corresponding
SweetFX_preset.txt file from the folder in this archive to your main Skyrim directory
(the one with the Skyrim.exe in it).



your file is SweetFX_settings.txt ok that was easy to overwrite but for the step 2 which do i pick for the SweetFX_preset.txt (Enhanced, Fantasy, Grim, Lite, High, Ultra) that goes along with your preset?


EDIT: ok i realized u went with defaul which is (ENHANCED ULTRA) will try with that :)

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Omg...i love you all :blink: T_T WAAAA it looks just as good as ENB VISIONS ! (a bit tiny less) but THE FRAMES! THEY NEVER GO BELOW 55 FRAMES HOW WHAT AMAZING! (just tested with RLO ULO CTO ) will now try with ELFX to see which looks prettier *0* but so far EPIC GOOD!



Edited by Maniax2
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Omg...i love you all :blink: T_T WAAAA it looks just as good as ENB VISIONS ! (a bit tiny less) but THE FRAMES! THEY NEVER GO BELOW 55 FRAMES HOW WHAT AMAZING! (just tested with RLO ULO CTO ) will now try with ELFX to see which looks prettier *0* but so far EPIC GOOD!




haha, thanks! ^_^ I'm glad you like it! ANd yeah, you can never get ALL THE WAY to ENB, but considering the massive improvement on FPS I personally find it worth it. XD


And I use the full version of ELFX with Lanterns of Skyrim, I honestly don't see the incompatibility XD Does it say HOW it's incompatible?

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No need to install a new mod if your using sweetfx. If you have the fantasy preset of ULO active but want more saturation, you can go into the Skyrim/ULO/ and open the file that is your preset. scroll down until you see the settings "Vibrance Settings"

find the #define Vibrance=

and set it anywhere between 1.00 to -1.00 (lower values decrease saturation, higher increase) edit the number, save the document. go in game and check if it's it your liking. you may have to fiddle it a few times to get the right number you want. I wouldn't start too high as your game will prob look like the looney toons

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