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Critical wound penalty into a bonus?


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There is an option in bokauk's wonderful toolboks that you can reduce the willpower penalty of critical wounds down to 0. I was thinking perhaps it could be taken even further as a modlet, for example, recieving a critical wound gave a willpower bonus of +5 instead.



Well, There is a saying: That which does not kill you, only makes you stronger (well, unless it melts your legs off - then it just makes you shorter) Perhaps the experience would stengthen their resolve instead of weaken it. A soldier lucky enough to survive - and make the lengthy road to recovery back from a critical wound, would be able to say "I've survived worse, this is nothing, this aint gonna kill me." either that or they could be out for some serious payback. Either way the reasoning is that the experience would harden their resolve and it would also be some measure of compensation for having a key soldier out of comission for over a month. I know permanent willpower reduction is a realistic interpretation of irreversible trauma and PTSD, but realism arguably would also include the years of follow up surgery, rehabilitation, physio, prosthesis etc. Realism is optional when it comes to G.I.-Joe action heroes vs the Martians'. Whats important is the ability to choose how you want to play.


In terms of balance It would not benefit soldiers with second heart gene mods as they don't recieve the permanent critical wound debuff when the go down, and that makes sense in it's own way also, no risk no reward. It would be hard to abuse (unless you save scum) as grinding this mechanic would be risky gamble at best (+5 willpower and up to/over a month in the infirmary vs death).


In terms of implementation I'm guessing it could be as easy as editing the value from -15 to +5. Can anyone confirm this? Also what would be the interest in such a modlet if it was made?

Edited by Ulfius
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This should work :smile:


Just use the slider in TB to change it from 15 to what you want.



	Hex		Symbol	Description
	A1		+=		Add Will
	A2		-=		Default. Remove Will
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