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[SSE] GANESHA (Boss monster)


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I don't know how to make request so this is just a suggestion.

Something I have been looking for is new creatures base on Mythology - other games - movies - manga ect.

Now In particular GANESHA witch would fit a nice Mammuth like boss in a dungeon cavern or in the open.

Particular ability earth shake and attaks like the giants with some custom spell meaby up to you.

What am interests is the specific look that has of an elephant like bipedal monster or quadrupedal, i like the bipedal version more.
with extra arms. or just the 2 is fine.

Oriental mythology / meaby with mammoth like fur to fit into the skyrim biomas or no fur is fine too since it could be placed on different maps location.

Some reference.
Warhammer refrence. (this is the one i like the most)

Return to Player (Manwha)
Cheolwoong, Bulgasari, Sentinel (I cannot link any picture becuase I cannot find it but if you read the manwha I should be firuring out what i mean)

Smite (god) (ofc smite has the most charater base reference if you look up)
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