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Sorry for the 1st hour, it's about religion, keep your opinion about the religious part to yourself, it's a true/false discussion which nobody is ever going to win. I know religious debates are not tolerated on these boards so let's not discuss that part...


However more important and even more interresting of the movie is the 2nd and 3rd part which is what I like to discuss here.

A friend pointed this movie out to me last week. This movie has in no way changed my opinion and believes about the US, in fact it only made my believes stronger. The movie says this is the one and only truth [which I doubt because nobody will probably ever know the truth] but what is more interresting to me is that so many people in the world are just to ignorant to ask questions.


We don't think about what the media tells us anymore, we just see it as the truth. If you look at the second part it's actually funny to see, how so many things raises questions about the attack on 9/11. However nobody actually does since the media gives us an explanation which we see as the truth and just continue to live happily ever after.

It makes you wonder if we realy have to be afraid of terrorism from the middle east, and it sometimes makes me wonder if in fact the people in the middle east have every right to hate the rest of the world so much?


It's in our face but nobody realy cares about it. We always point to third world countries where human rights are still being violated, which makes us blind to see that every day in our world human rights are also being violated or the law contradicts itself especially in the US. Please watch the full documentary it's realy interresting, do whatever you want to do with it, the only thing which I think is important is not to say that you know the truth but to question it.

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