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Blade and Blunt differential


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My question is a simple one, but I don't know that it has been ever asked or answered.


Are blades and Blunts of the same move set? Or more specifically, if I make a mod that alters the one handed blade, will it alter the blunt as well, or can they be altered differently.


To further explain, so that there is no misunderstanding, Say I wanted to make one handed lades all stabbing/rapier style move sets, and so changed it using a mod, would all my Blunts start thrusting as well, or is it possible to mod only one type without altering the other?


Moreover, is it possible to alter just one TYPE of weapon? say the dagger as opposed to the shortsword?


Please, only people with an answer reply, I don't need to fill this page with "Gee I don't now!" responses.

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Blade and blunt (1H) use the same animations). 2H also use the same animations.



Thank you very much, question solved.

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