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[LE] Lock Camera in Certain Point of View


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Is there a line in one of the game's ini files or a mod that make it possible to lock the 3rd person camera in certain point of view?

I want to go and try playing the game in 3rd person with a pre-set top-view camera to get myself some Pillors of Eternity or ol' good Diablo vibes, without necessarity to bother myself moving camera up and down, changing camera angle. The pre-set angle and being able to rotate the camera -- that's all I need.











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You can set CameraTarget onto any actor. So thats one way. The actor doesnt have to be visible or even 3Dloaded, just there. Move them and set their angle (via script most likely) to wherever you want a vantage point. Then Game.SetCameraTarget(Them) and thats that. Controlling the player will be disorienting but you can def do this

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