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Devil May Cry 5

Small-time Actress interested in doing a female voice mod for Vergil


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A while ago I saw a mod that makes Vergil a lady, however it doesn't change any of the original's lines.
I'm looking to make a mod that would replace Vergil's dialogue (atleast his lines in cutscenes... he doesn't have many) with MY voice. I'm certainly not the most certified to do this, but I have done voice dubbing work before.

You can see my voice reel here:

Anyway, what I need is mostly someone to make the mod... as I have no knowledge of how to... or if this idea is even possible. A sound engineer to make sure the lip flaps match would also be appreciated.

PM me if anyone is interested.
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  • 3 weeks later...


your voice work is quite impressive!


i personally love the idea you have, if someone did a female vergil voice mod.

it would honestly just be his VA but pitched higher


something you should do is find a list of his lines, a video of all vergils voice profile and post a video of you going through them.


GOOD LUCK <3<3<3

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