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Morag Tong Sanguine Quest


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I'm sure I would have done this quest, as I seem to recall being one step away from becoming Tong Master (I must have killed someone I needed by accident. Oops).

The trouble is, I'm almost certain I've never seen the Fortify Attack spell (I have done a bit of research and understand that this is the only way to get such a spell).


I don't want to sound like a cheater, but is there a console code to sort out my lack?


I would really like to get myself some CE item to boost my ass-kicking abilities ;)


Though I might have run out of Golden Saints and Ascended Sleepers to stock up my gems . . . :(

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player->addspell"spellname" I think it is called 'Mephala's Skill' but I'm not too sure.


You may not have done the quest as it is unscripted and there is no in-game info about where most of the Sanguine items are.


You will have needed to do several Daedric ruins not used on other quests as well as identifying three non hostile NPCs.

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