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[LE] A complicated mod request - Subjoined Enchanting Advancement


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I would like this mod "comes true" :tongue: I can't even experience in doing it by myself :/

I'm a bit familiar with TES scripting. I was making some little mods here and there... but never dared to declare any as a plugin... This one is for Morrowind, fun attack to Maar Gan :tongue: (on russian language only though). This and this ones are for Oblivion. For Skyrim I mostly made a translations for the mods of others and some forge recipes (creating vanilla objects of some... rarely used... 3D models), and always I did it just for myself to be not conflicting with their creators. In those "mods of others" I was editing there were not SKSE scripts to compile and I never thought there will be a problem with SKSE scripting in Skyrim...

...I tried to start making the mod I imagined and obtained for myself that there are SKSE belonged functions are absent among the papyrus'es known. The functions like SetEnchantment GetNumItems - compiling the code with them gives "is not a function or does not exists" error. I installed SKSE so can launch SKSE dependent plugins - that should mean that I installed it right, and so it's .pex/.psc files. Also I installed Papyrus Extender and PapyrusUtil, but these functions still do not appears. I installed Skyrim Script Compiler Pro, that program has these functions among it's "Functions List" tab, but I can't compile the codes with these function in that program either. I even emailed to SKSE team, but the answer was with that logic that unpacking SKSE to Skyrim directory (which I done from the beginning) is enough to those functions becomes available.

So I decided to create this mod request topic. Maybe someone will code it.


The idea of this mod is a "Subjoined Enchanting Advancement" spell (a spell's title can be different of course :p). That spell will be added to the player after he/she will read any of the notes which contains Atronach Forge recipe (any AtrFrg*Recipe* note) in this way:

OnActivate - if player do not have this spell - give that spell to the player and show a messagebox with something like: "There is an other note included in this one. It appears it have some sort of spell... And now you have it learned."


One of the requirements for that spell to work is a sigil stone placed into the appropriate place near the Atronach Forge... well... you know where to :D

What this spell is for? It is improving the certain enchanting effects in the item's enchantment, the enchantment which was created manually. The manual enchantment's effects can be improved with an items which has an enchantment with a similar effect. AND only the items which already have in the .esp/.esm plugins (base objects) are suit to be used in the manual enchanting advancement. The improving costs gold in value equal to the sacrificing item/items as defined for them in their properties in creation kit. The sacrificing items and the item with the manual enchantment must be placed into the Atronach Forge Box.

It is also possible to add a new enchantment effect to the manually enchanted item. To do that, 3 suitable items of similar enchantment effect should be placed to the Atronach Forge Box together with the manually enchanted item which has no such enchantment effect yet.

The numbers of enchantment effects is 7. It, and the enchanted this way item, are dependent on the game difficult:

Novice - 1 enchantment effect, so this spell do nothing at this difficulty;

Apprentice - 2effects;

Adept - 3effects+limiting-effect;

Expert - 4effects+limiting-effect;

Master - 5effects+limiting-effect;

Legendary - 6effects+limiting-effect.

The limiting-effect is a scripted enchantment effect which adds automatically since there is >=3 enchantment effects in the item of the manual enchanting. The purpose of this scripted effect is to unwear the item AND make it unavailable to wear if it's number of the enchantment effects are not equal to the game difficult set, conditions described just above.

The gotten "Extra Effect" enchanting skill's perk will change the difficult conditions making +1 number of enchantment effect added to the each difficulty condition like Apprentice - 3effects, Adept - 4effects+limiting-effect and so on.


The enchantment effects advancement is limited. The limit for the enchantment effect is the formula like this effect could be gotten using the original way of enchanting applying a soulgem of grand soul - that depends on the enchanting skill level + bonuses for that skill + some perks. BUT if the sacrificing item's enchantment effect is more powerful than the similar effect in the item of manually enchantment, then that enchantment effect of the item of manually enchantment will not be advanced but replaced by the similar effect of the sacrificing item.



My character has 100 enchanting skill level (no any potion/etc. bonuses added), x5 Enchanter perks, Insightful Enchanter perk. With a grand soul I can make an enchantment effect "Fortify Carry Weight" of 37 magnitude. I have a leather boots I manually enchanted so it have a "Fortify Carry Weight" enchantment effect of 15 magnitude and a "Fortify Stamina" of 20 magnitude. Also I have a Thieves Guild Armor - a base object with a "Fortify Carry Weight" enchantment effect of 20 magnitude. I am placing these boots with manual enchantment and Thieves Guild Armor into the Atronach Forge Box. I am casting "Subjoined Enchanting Advancement" spell to the Atronach Forge Box. Thieves Guild Armor is removed from the Atronach Forge Box; a certain leather boots manual enchantment's "Fortify Carry Weight" effect is advanced and became of 15+20=35(less than 37) magnitude. The price for that advancement is equal to the Thieves Guild Armor value which is 665, so I lost 665pcs of gold (if I had not that quantity of gold with me then spell will note about that and do nothing).


My character has 100 enchanting skill level (no any potion/etc. bonuses added), x5 Enchanter perks, Insightful Enchanter perk. With a grand soul I can make an enchantment effect "Fortify Carry Weight" of 37 magnitude. I have a leather boots I manually enchanted so it have a "Fortify Carry Weight" enchantment effect of 30 magnitude and a "Fortify Stamina" of 20 magnitude. Also I have a Thieves Guild Armor - a base object with a "Fortify Carry Weight" enchantment effect of 20 magnitude. I am placing these boots with manual enchantment and Thieves Guild Armor into the Atronach Forge Box. I am casting "Subjoined Enchanting Advancement" spell to the Atronach Forge Box. Thieves Guild Armor is removed from the Atronach Forge Box; a certain leather boots manual enchantment's "Fortify Carry Weight" effect is advanced and became of 30+20=...37(more than my limit of 37, so the result will be 37) magnitude. The price for that advancement is equal to the Thieves Guild Armor value which is 665, so I lost 665pcs of gold.


My character has 30 enchanting skill level (no any potion/etc. bonuses added). With a grand soul I can make an enchantment effect "Fortify Carry Weight" of 5 magnitude (that's not correct, just let's suppose that it is 5). I have a leather boots I manually enchanted so it have a "Fortify Carry Weight" enchantment effect of that 5 magnitude. Also I have a Thieves Guild Armor - a base object with a "Fortify Carry Weight" enchantment effect of 20 magnitude. I am placing these boots with manual enchantment and Thieves Guild Armor into the Atronach Forge Box. I am casting "Subjoined Enchanting Advancement" spell to the Atronach Forge Box. Thieves Guild Armor is removed from the Atronach Forge Box; a leather boots manual enchantment's "Fortify Carry Weight" effect is replaced by the similar effect of the sacrificed Thieves Guild Armor which is of 20 magnitude. The price for that replacement is equal to the Thieves Guild Armor value which is 665, so I lost 665pcs of gold.


My character has 100 enchanting skill level (no any potion/etc. bonuses added), x5 Enchanter perks, Insightful Enchanter perk. With a grand soul I can make an enchantment effect "Fortify Carry Weight" of 37 magnitude. BUT additionally I used a potion of +30 bonus to enchanting skill level, so with a grand soul I can make an enchantment effect "Fortify Carry Weight" of 46 magnitude. I have a leather boots I manually enchanted so it have a "Fortify Carry Weight" enchantment effect of 30 magnitude and a "Fortify Stamina" of 20 magnitude. Also I have a Thieves Guild Armor - a base object with a "Fortify Carry Weight" enchantment effect of 20 magnitude. I am placing these boots with manual enchantment and Thieves Guild Armor into the Atronach Forge Box. I am casting "Subjoined Enchanting Advancement" spell to the Atronach Forge Box. Thieves Guild Armor is removed from the Atronach Forge Box; a certain leather boots manual enchantment's "Fortify Carry Weight" effect is advanced and became of 30+20=...46(more than my bonus buffed limit of 46, so the result will be 46) magnitude. The price for that advancement is equal to the Thieves Guild Armor value which is 665, so I lost 665pcs of gold.


My character has a Daedric Armor with some 2 effects enchantment. I would like to add a new "Fortify Health" enchantment effect. I am placing that Daedric Armor with manual enchantment, a Leather Armor (value 225) with "Fortify Health" effect of 10 magnitude, a ring (value 115) with "Fortify Health" effect of 10 magnitude and a one more ring (value 320) with "Fortify Health" effect of 20 magnitude - to the Atronach Forge Box. I am casting "Subjoined Enchanting Advancement" spell to the Atronach Forge Box. The Leather Armor and the rings were removed from the Atronach Forge Box; a Daedric Armor now have 3 effects enchantment and a 4th enchantment effect - a scripted difficulty-based limiting effect; the new "Fortify Health" enchantment effect of the Daedric Armor is of {10+10+20}/3=13 magnitude. The price for that effect addition is equal to the values of the Leather Armor + 2rings which is 225+115+320=660, so I lost 660pcs of gold. I can not wear that 3 effects enchantment Daedric Armor if game's difficulty is harder than Adept OR harder than Apprentice in case if I have an "Extra Effect" perk.


My character has a Daedric Armor (value 66666) with some 7 effects enchantment. I would like to transfer this enchantment to the not-enchanted Dragonbone Armor. I am placing these items to the Atronach Forge Box. I am casting "Subjoined Enchanting Advancement" spell to the Atronach Forge Box. The Daedric Armor is removed from the Atronach Forge Box; The Dragonbone Armor now have that Daedric Armor's enchantment transfered. The price for that transferring is equal to the Daedric Armor value which is 66666, so I lost 66666pcs of gold (well, that value was not defined in creation kit, that was set after all those enchantment effects applied, becoming more and more expensive with each one improved).


The manually enchanted items are not suitable for to be sacrificed as an improvement for the other manually enchanted item. BUT the manually enchanted item IS suitable for the transferring the enchantment from it to the not-enchanted item.

The Atronach Forge Box have to contain only the exact quantity of items - 2 or 4 . 1 (and ONLY 1 of them) of them is always a manually enchanted item.


uff... very complicated spell...

Edited by Stealth022
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