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Mod Request - Half-Plaster Walls


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Hello all!


In the past, we played on a server where we all went sehr Deutsche and it was a wildly fun time blasting Volksmusik in discord while we all chopped trees in our little mountain side farming community.

That said, I would love to see a mod on Nexus utilizing the "Half-Timber" or "European Plaster" style for building pieces in Valheim. Using resin, stone, and wood for a beautiful styling with high arched roofs and stone basements would be a dream come true.


A dream list of pieces would be...

  • Wall, Half-Wall, Arch, Roofing, Pillars, Windows (Crystal + Wood), Decorated half-walls (Accenting to break up visual profile)


I'll put some reference images below for the style that I enjoyed in hopes it sparks a similar enjoyment.






Edited by MrMoney898
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