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Stardew Valley

Sloth Skeleton Mod?


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Hi, there!


I'm not a mod creator and I only within the last year found out about and learned how to install mods.


I was wondering (since I'm not certain I'm searching correctly): has anyone made a mod to acquire the giant sloth skeleton from the museum?


In a couple of my game files, I had decided to trashcan the skeleton rewards from the museum, but I've grown to really enjoy that big ol' skeleton and I would like to have him back. Is there a mod that allows for reacquiring the sloth skeleton?

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The easiest method would be to use the CJB item spawner mod, which can spawn pretty much anything




Because the skeleton is considered a craftable, I don't think you can use the item id glitch, nor does it seem to appear in the furniture catalog (unless i missed it somehow), so CJB is likely your best bet, aside from creating a new mod from scratch just to spawn it in

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