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Looking for house with auto sort


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In my experience, Jaggarsfield is by far the best 'auto sort' house, it also includes a MASSIVE display room for stuff you want to manually place and show off, and a really cool feature of auto-adding all your alchemy/smithing/enchanting/etc items to your invo when using the alchemy station in the house, so you don't have to manually add and remove them from your inventory!




Only downside is it's kind of unbalancing, all you have to do is kill one semi-strong enemy to claim the house. =[

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The good news about Jaggersfeld is that the scripts it uses for auto sorting weren't made by the same author. They're actually a modder's resource usable by anyone, so that same functionality can easily be added to any house. For instance, I'm planning to add it to mine, and it won't be as easy as killing one enemy. It'll require traveling all over Skyrim (for a very specific reason). But don't hold out for mine. The house from mine is secondary and despite being more tedious to get, it isn't necessarily harder (and there are other things that make mine unbalanced).

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We seriously need more houses with this feature is what makes jaggarsfeld great , the downside of that house is that the design is kinda not so fitting...well at least the sudden treasure room imo...would like something like Elysium to have this :O

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I realize I'm a little late to this conversation but since I'm searching for the same thing I thought I'd speak my mind here rather than starting a new thread.


Firstly, OP should check out Elianora's home mods. They are superbly designed and thoughtfully executed and some have auto-sort/auto-display functionality.




One minor note is that she is a bonified artist but not a software tech and some of these homes are resource heavy beyond understanding.


The issue with Jaggersfeld is that the groto treasure room-type place is way to extravagant. Perhaps some people like this but there is no way you could fill those weapon racks without putting up a bunch of normal levelled weapons.


Elianora's recent projects have specific display sites for just unique and special weapons, armour, and artifacts (all auto sorted and displayed) as well as a handful of other spots for your personal gear. It's a more appropriate, and intuitive application not to mention a plausible engineering feat for the universe if skyrim.


Unfortunately I'm experiencing many problems running one of her house mods so I'm on the search too.


Specifically I'm looking for a place in Falkreath, which is close to my PC's long time friends in Riverwood as well as to his homeland of Cyrodil. It's also my favourite area to hunt in.

Edited by RangerElessar
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