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how can i edit easy mod


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is it possibile to edit the easy mod? how can i do it?


From this

reduce 50% Damage.

Increase 25% Attack.

10x Rune

2X Player Hit Radious

2x Crimson/Cerulean Tears Heal

No Weapon/Armor/Accessary Weight

No FP Cost of Magic/Buddy Ashes/Skills

Increased Weapon Scaling by status

Starting status +10 of all

Item Discovery is always 500

All disease are healed fast(10000pt/s)


i'd like to eliminate

Increase 25% Attack

10x Rune

No FP Cost of Magic/Buddy Ashes/Skills

Starting status +10 of all



not sure about this because i don't know exactly how it works

Increased Weapon Scaling by status


so have only this

reduce 50% Damage.

2X Player Hit Radious

2x Crimson/Cerulean Tears Heal

No Weapon/Armor/Accessary Weight

Increased Weapon Scaling by status (?)

Item Discovery is always 500

All disease are healed fast(10000pt/s)



Edited by ciaoragazzi
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