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VRAM Problem? Low FPS after zone transition.


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I recently came back to Skyrim (this time finally ready for a long playthrough :D) and i installed a couple of good old mods on a fresh install ( I have a fresh backup folder of Skyrim which i can just copy paste :D).


At first i loadede all the updated versions of the mods i was using a year ago and i had terrible fps (around 20-30 in exteriors) and a lot of slowdownes. So i decideded to make a fresh start, reinstalled skyrim and only use the mods i really want.


At the moment i am using Skyrim HD 1.5-1.6 cause i feel like I need at least one full texture mod, is there any alternative which is maybe more performance friendly? ( I am using light).


My problem now is that i get huge fps drops which stay persistent until game restart or alt tab which totally breaks immersion and is annoying beyond imagination.


I am running the game on:

gtx 570 phantom

i5-750 @ 3,6 ghz


@ 1080p


My mods:



I am also using Realvision ENB and follwed the instruction down to the last detail. Works wonders :smile:


Beside those super low fps moments i am running around 70+ FPS in interiors and 40-50 FPS in exteriors which feels pretty solid.


I have read that this is a VRAM issue and can not be solved. Either I use no texture Mods (like one that does a lot like in my example the skyrim HD light) or i get a new graphics card.


Is it really THAT bad? No workaround, solution - anything?


Hope we can find a way around this :smile:


Thanks a lot for any help and if i have forgotten anything just let me know and i will give you more details.



Edit: Dont worry about the deactivated mods or closed catergories in the screen, they were never activated or anything ;)

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Your absolutely right about the Vram issue. No workaround I know. If you wanna go big on texture mods then a 3GB or more GPU recommended. It's not bad at all I use Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized. Before I used HD texture packs. I don't miss 'em. Don't need 'em. So check out Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized it's performance friendly. I recommend uninstall of Skyrim HD. Also recommend ENBoost. Hope you get FPS increase.

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