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skyrim special adition IM NOT PC FRIENDLY


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it is saying skyui and race menu not working and everytime i try and go into town or a building it goes back to desk top, tried watching utub but i guess im old cuz i really screwed it up twice and had to unistall and reinstall i have mods and would be willing to share my screen or what ever to get it to work, and i have vortex as the mod manager, i just need help and could pay some for the help ive been told its a very easy thing i just cant get it,


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Might do better posting on the SSE forum, this is the Legendary forum.


At the top of the forum page you will see some descriptions for these forums. One of these is "Game specific Forums", another is "Skyrim". Skyrim is The Eder Scrolls 5, which is commonly referred to as Legendary. The forum you are looking for is Skyrim Special Edition, commonly referred to as SSE., or SSE AE depending on the version you are playing.


The easiest way to get to the correct forum is to click on "Community" at the top of the mod page you are on. For instance if you are looking at Fallout New Vegas mods and click on Community at the top of that page it will take you to the FNV forum, so if you are looking at SSE mods the community tab at the top of that page will take you to the SSE forum.


The reason I went into so much detail is that I have noticed there are as many, if not more posters on this forum asking questions about SSE as there are about Legendary.

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