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Possible to batch create menu art/transforms?


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I'm just wondering if anyone knows a way to batch create menu art and transforms, or at least speed up the process. I've got over 70 of them, and it's taking forever. They all use the same values (they're roughly the same size) and the only thing different is the actual object.


Or do I need to get my not-so-pimply-faced youth and train them to do it?


Thanks in advance.

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It depends on what menu you are talking about, what the art is and what you mean by 'transform'.



Just plain images for the main menu? Photoshop macro (open, <maybe do art-stuff here>, save as png or dds using https://gitlab.com/fnordware/AdobeDDS, optionally do the batch conversion in https://www.moddb.com/downloads/dds-converter-2-1), or some OpenSource editor equivalent.


Need to edit the swf:s? That is quite a task. You will need to know, and have, Flash or be one of extremely few JPEX experts out there. I don't think there is a batch conversion but you might be able to batch create MovieClips in Flash. Transform as in change Object.x and Object.y values in Scaleform i.e. ActionScript, at runtime? If you are working in Flash just create a script and assign it to each MC.


You can decompile the swf:s using https://github.com/jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler but I recommend downloading this instead


Nevertheless you will still want to download jpex.

I would go for the youth if I had one around.

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