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Hi all. I'm new to the community and no I'm not a modder but I have an idea I wanted to throw out there.


It bothers me that the behaviours of NPCs are so generic - specifically few of the named NPCs' dialog changes in the vanilla game based on the Lone Wanderer's accomplishments.


Further, really none of the unnamed ones change very much either. Oh sure there are those brother hood types that will kiss your character's ass after saving the purifier but there's really not much different and it makes things a bit stale.


One of the things I was thinking about was how cool would it be to have some of the dialog be badassified because it seems to me that if your evil most of your dialogs are centered around greed - as if all evil people are driven by monetary gains. Some evil people are just psychotic! And the definition of good seems to mean doormat in the vanilla game. Like your character should have a "wipe your feet here" tattooed to their forehead.


There's no room for intimidation or taunting at all and the choices the character has in conversations are all centered around money or taking crap from NPCs.


Now I realize changing the quests to be badassified as I call it affectionately would be so much work and it's not like people can hire the original actors. So....


What about something that at least allows for the behaviors of those you meet out in the wastes and stuff to be modified?


Perhaps even a system that allows for taunting and intimidating.


I am no scriptor but I assume something like that could be done since the game already tracks kills, quests, etc. Perhaps some of that info can be used in a reputation/taunt/intimidation system.


It'd just be great instead of being lamely silent when an outcast passes me on the road to be able to turn around and have my character say with a snarl. "what did you say motherfu....?"


If something like this already exists, please point the way. I searched under AI and Behavior and NPC and found nothing similar.



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