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No Mans Sky Epic MMO


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If you remember Deadspace, it was made in a similar way.


Except that Deadspace is currently dead in the water, precisely because of the way that EA handled things.


I can understand a lot as to why a company might do certain things, or even be working primarily to suck as much money out of customers as they can; it's a business afterall. But I refuse to buy anything EA related for a reason. It isn't just that they're trying to milk consumers, or that they're prone to buying franchises... It's that in the pursuit of their business, they don't care about how well the game plays, how good the customer feels about their purchase, or really making any effort to maintain repeat business (other than a new sequal or updated roster for their sports games). I refuse to buy their products or support them in any way simply because this is a broken business model that is not made to sustain, but instead just simply exist like a virus until it has completely exhausted what is available in a given environment before moving onto another... And that just clashes with my beliefs that a company should stand behind their products and strive to maintain a positive customer experience.


I'm sorry, but if EA is involved anywhere with this project, it just simply can't end well... I mean, they already ruined one Starwars MMO.

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