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Sensitivefae - BANNED

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Sensitivefae banned

Upload of a mod featuring a female nude childlike character
Incohesive mod description
Pertaining file obviously meant to be shared with a limited group of users only

giichi cbbe preset, “Created by VampireX”, uploaded 04 February 2023, 6:38AM by Sensitivefae

From the File Submission Guidelines

All files submitted must be intended for sharing publicly. You must not use our services for your own personal storage or share files with a limited group of users.

File descriptions must be legible and informative regarding the nature of the file. Wholly misleading or incohesive descriptions are prohibited.

Often times the developers of a given game have set the standards themselves by deliberately taking measures to ensure child characters are not able to be sexualised. This may include but is often not limited to:

Irremovable clothes
Irremovable underwear

For the purpose of mods altering the appearance of child characters, it is, therefore, required that mod authors refrain from doing anything that would allow for measures such as those outlined above to be circumvented in one way or another:

Clothes must remain irremovable through regular, in-game means
Underwear must remain irremovable in the same way it would not be easily removable in the vanilla game without impacting the integrity of the body mesh/model and/or texture
Any mod added child body or alteration must not feature reproductive organs or other sexual features (breasts)

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