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Hogwarts Legacy

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Welcome to the Hogwarts Legacy forums on Nexus Mods.


We keep all discussion for new games to a single forum to make early discussion on the game easy to browse through and find. If the game becomes particularly popular on these forums then we will manually add more forum categories to help split up the various discussion topics a little bit more.


But for now, please chat about anything and everything related to Hogwarts Legacy in these general discussion forums.


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Is there anyway we can get the modders community attention to my comments


I wish it could be like the old Harry Potter game like order of the phoenix


A mod where you can Duel random students in any area


Mod where there are people walking around in the castle and outside of certain areas of Hogwarts that makes sure youre not out pass the curfew and addition to that mod you have to return to your dorms where there is a sleep option to wake up in the morning or you can try to sneak around the school still


A mod that lets you have a NPC follow you around just like the other game


And a mod that adds quidditch and more NPCS that roam around even outside of the castle since the world seems a little empty

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[mod request]

Hi, I have an Idea for a mod (as I don't Know how to create one ^^). Fights are really too easy (even in hard mod) and the defensive part of the fights comes with only 2 buttons. It could be uninteresting to add a bit of challenge in how to protect yourself from the spells with protego.

The enemies have several types of protego (identifiable by their color: red, yellow and purple). Our protego automatically adapts to the spell received to counter it and I find it a pity.


Why not allow to dissociate the 3 protegos (yellow, red and purple) and to have to quickly choose the good one according to the received spell? That would imply to have 3 different keys to throw differently the 3 types of protego and to identify quickly which one must be thrown. Moreover, the color of the incoming spell alert on our head (currently yellow if we can counter and red if we must dodge) could be in the color of the protego to use. If the wrong protego is chosen, the shield will break and you will suffer the spell.

Edited by C0wnuts
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[Mod Request] Different Wands having different in game behaviour:
It would be cool if wands were different gameplay wise (maybe keeping the DPS stable for difficulty's sake).

Here what i thought (but obiously it's much open for debate, it probably has huge flaws i didn't foresee):

-Dragon core=higher damage, slower; unicorn core=standard; phoenix core=lower damage, faster.
-Longer wand=higher damage; Softer wood=higher speed.
-It would also be cool if, instead of just choosing speed vs damage there would be an error chance (like said in the description of the dragon core) so that you can have a powerful wand, have it cast faster but a failure chance to balance it or a critical chance if you choose a weak and slow wand.

Maybe for non-base spells the stats affected would be duration and cooldown, while failure chance also triggers cooldown, and criticals affect the duration only.

Exemples with placeholder base stats:
-balanced wand (as vanilla)= 1 attack/sec, 10base damage, regular spells, neither failures nor criticals.
-max power=0,5/s, 20 dmg, double cooldowns, double durations, no fails, no crits.
-max speed= 2/s, 5dmg, half cooldowns, half durations, no fails, no crits.
-max speed+max power= 2/s, 20dmg, double durations, half cooldowns, 75% fails, no crits (this exteme is rather unplayable, but many middle grounds would exist).
-Min speed/Min damage=0,5/s, 5dmg, half durations, double cooldowns, no fails, 80% crit chance for +500% dmg/duration (+500% is fixed, only chance changes)

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