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Shield Goes On The Back Mod Recommendations


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Hello Everyone,


Don't know if this is the right place to ask but, I'm looking for a mod that replaces the position of the shields of EVERY NPC including the Player to the back.

Do you guys have any recommendations? I don't care much for displaying other weapons on the back (I'm OK with my one handed being on the hip), I'm just interested in the shields, but I want every NPC to do it (Town Guards, Followers, Non-hostile NPCs, etc.)

I have XPMSSE MCM Version installed since I don't use RaceMenu, but the Shield in the Style Tab has no other option other than Default. Any help and recommendation is welcome.


Thank You Everyone In Advance!

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While looking for mods for a couple of days, I found what I was looking for.

Simple Dual Sheath: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50049

Shields On Back is disabled by default, so you have to go to the SimpleDualSheath.ini Located in your Skyrim Special Edition Folder and go to Data/SKSE/Plugins.

Open the .ini with NotePad and Look for [shieldOnBack] and make sure the flags are set to player and NPCs, so where it says Flags should look like: Flags=Player|NPC


Thank You to @anjenthedog above as well for the suggestion!

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