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(Dragonhide glitch?!) Allmost invisible character!


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Hey guys, I'm having fallowing bug after my dragonhide spell wear off.
What basicly happend is that my whole character turned (allmost) invisible.
I tryed to re-load the character model by going to the flaggon and recreate my character, didnt work.
Reloading the saved file, wearing off the armour or changing it also didn't solve the problem.
Searching the web for like hours now and I'm so done and sick cuz I dont find anything...
Also loading and older save isnt really an option cuz the older save is so far away from my latest and I really dont want to do all that stuff all over again :sad: (I checked older saves just to be sure and the issue isnt appearing there).

But one thing I have noticed is that the bug must have something to do with the dragonhide spell because when I use it, my character will "re-appear" and when dragon hide wears off, it will vannish....
I also dont know if this helps but the bug appeared in the dungeon called: Forrelhost.

Here are two screenshots:


Without dragonhide active:


With dragonhide active (looks as it should) :



I would really appreaciate some help! :smile:

Greatings, Korrumpiert. :smile:

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