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{WIP} Requiem Redone - SkyRe's Perks in Requiem


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I encountered a severe error with TES5Edit,

and the mod team for it basically mocked me instead of helping

I am already severely overworked trying to do this on my own

I simply can not add weeks/months of work to this project

Just because some other modder refuses to admit their mistake.

Sorry for letting you down everybody.


Do you enjoy the hard core ultra realistic experience of requiem?
​Do you find the perks to be restrictive, preventing you from making varied and diverse character builds?
Do you enjoy the complex magic system offered by Skyrim Redone?
Do you want to have your cake and eat it to?

Then this is the mod for you!

Combining Skyrim Redone and Requiem in the most eloquent of ways, you can enjoy the ultimate roleplaying experience,

as you use the immense toolbox that is Skyrim Redone's perk system to survive the harsh unleveled unforgiving Requiem world!

What does this mod do exactly?
It takes Skyrim Redones perk system, and transplants into Requiem! yes, this includes the survivalism perk tree for your Frostfall fans!
Almost all of Skyrim Redones perks will be intact, as well as almost all of Requiem's unique ways of handling things, you will still need books to learn smithing for example,

and bows can be broken through melee impacts, and you can still turn all these options on and off through requiem if you don't like them.

Video Teasers;
While these are somewhat outdated, they show the original proof of concept that got me started,
I have made considerable progress since these videos were shot.

Armor/Weapons/Smithing = 80% complete
Potions/Alchemy = 99% complete
Magic = Not Started
Renaming/Rewording = 20% complete

​Estimated release; Sometime in February

I am handling this myself, and from time to time get stuck on some issues. If you want to see this project finished sooner, try and help me with these.

1) I can not seem to get VANILLA armors and weapons to show up properly when the proper smithing perk is selected.

Despite changing Skyrim Redone's perks to match Requiems flag wise, and getting the smithing books options to work,

I can not seem to make all weapons and armor show up correctly. Weapons and Armor added in by Requiem/Dawnguard show up just fine however...

I've been stuck on this for quite some time.

2) Using the Reproccer seems to make Heavy Armor way to powerful, a full set of iron armor on a level 2 orc with only one perk in heavy armor is almost 1,000 armor points...

I ran some tests, and there is almost no noticeable difference between this armor and much higher level armors.

For the time being I am solving this by simply not using the Reproccer, but I would like for the Reproccer to be working in the final version.

Edited by ArtMurder
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Rebuilt the patch from scratch again, melee/archery should be 100% complete, minus a bit of tweaking to make heavy armor more balanced



here is a teaser video I made during testing. It really shows how hard the combat can still be, yet not impossible, as I do manage to kill a heavily armored bandit at level 1 with crap gear. XD after about 12 tries.


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Very good! I love skyres conjuration perks but hate all the things skyre messages with otherwise which is why I prefer requiem.

Keep up the great work!

Conjuration is one of my favorites too! ^_^ and thanks for the support!
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I´m Requiem fan. I read a while ago,that some people are asking for medge of the two mods. If it will work with all the patches that are made for Requiem to work with other popular mods,i think it will be interresting change for new gameplay. Good luck!

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I concur, but does Requiem still have control over everything else, like Races, Standing Stones, etc.?

In short, does it still have Requiems compatibility problems?


Yes, requiem has control over pretty much everythign else, right now SkyRe handles the weapons, armor, potions, alchemy, and the skill trees, Requiem handles pretty much everything else, like health, stamina, stats, skills, races, and the leveling system. Also, requiems features like poison blur, breaking bows, low stamina disarm, and more are all tested and working already, though some things must be disabled, like "cant pick lockpicks without proper perk" as SkyRe does away with the lockpicking tree, though I will do my best to make these features available in the finished patch. ^_^


But yes, sense this is basically a patch for requiem, it will have requiems compatibility problems, with the exception of magic being a lot easier to mod without trouble, do to SkyRe's handling of the magic system. Also, sense this works with the Reproccer, you can use it just like you would in SkyRe to make all weapons and armor compatible. I MAY even look into seeing if I can get it to edit bows in the game to give them the tags they need to work in requiem. In short, it will actually be a bit more mod friendly then requiem, but not near as much as SkyRe.


I may also make patches for each of SkyRe's modules so you can replace one with the other at will, but this is a project for after the main patch is completed. ^_^ I do intend to have this be fully compatible with frostfall and the survivalism module right away though!

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