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Specific actors in leveled lists spawn with bad stats?


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I've got a rather odd issue.


I've overhauled all the stats for the game's NPCs and mobs, but for some reason, specific actors will spawn with garbage stats. So far, I've only found this problem to occur with Mirelurk Killclaws. Here's how the structure looks:


LvlMirelurkCrab (0005A9C1) - Actor (Placed in game)
>LCharMirelurkCrab (0005A9C2) - Levelled List
> EncMirelurk01Template (00024002) - Actor
> EncMirelurk02 (0014237F) - Actor
> EncMirelurk03 (00142380) - Actor (Killclaw), garbage stats
> EncMirelurk04 (00142383) - Actor

> EncMirelurk00 (0019E967) - Actor


All of them spawn with their set stats in the CK, except for EncMirelurk03. I've double checked, re-saved, etc., but no success. They are all using AutoCalc Stats, and have a set level of 50. They also have the exact same template data and everything, the only difference being their object model, stats, and traits. This happens regardless of the cell and encounter zone (which also has the min level being 50, max level 51).


It'll have some weird default health of 80, do hardly any damage, and have no resistances.


Any ideas?

Edited by FiftyTifty
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Did you take a look at your plugin in FO4Edit? Maybe something just went wrong with the actor templates, EncMirelurk03 shouldn't have worse stats than x01 and x02.

Aye I have. That's the thing, the stats in the actor are higher, exactly as I set them. It's just for some reason, it spawns with garbage stats. And I really can't figure out why.

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