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Porting a music mod from Oldrim to Skyrim SE

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First of all I have absolutely no experience in modding, but i'm willing and have time to learn.


The mod I want to port from the Oldrim to Skyim SE is the SquirrelQueen's ExtendedOST LOTR only edition, found there:




I loved playing Skyrim with that mod, and due to copyright (as far as i understood) there's no possibility to find such mod on the Nexus, and I could only find broken links for Skyrim SE LOTR music on Google.


Whould that be doable for someone like me who has no experience in that matter?


Thank you for your replies!

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- If it's a 'music replacer' mod, just throw the files in Skyrim's folder = data\music

- If the mod expands and adds new music into the game, then this means that the mod has also an 'ESP', in this case just open the ESP in Special Edition CK and save it again, then throw the ESP in the 'Data' folder and the rest in = data\music

- If the mod has packed the music files in a BSA, then unpack them, then either throw them 'Unpacked' into data\music, or repack them into a BSA using SSE BSA Archive.

Edited by maxarturo
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