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Hogwarts Legacy

How do i create Mods for Hogwarts Legacy? (Beginner)


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Hey guys,
A short time ago, I started learning modeling in general (I started with Blender). I also wanted to teach myself how to mod games. I really want to mod this game!
Are there any good tutorials you would recommend? I have already learned the basics of Unreal Engine and am fairly good at modeling.
One day I will learn to "code," but that won't happen in the near future. If you tell me I need basic knowledge of coding, I would puke... and start studying it. But if it is not necessary, I will ignore it until I need it.
I just want to create cool models for some of my favorite games, especially Hogwarts Legacy.

So, how do I start modding Hogwarts Legacy?

I would really appreciate any help.
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I am in the same situation but i didn't start Unreal Engine 4 yet, although i used Blender in the past (and i also learned coding but i'll need a upgrade on that). I really have a lot of free time and I would like to spend it modding this game. At the end I would like to be able to create a variety of outfits, add animations, interactions (like the ability to seat) and more if/when its possible.

I would like to learn how to do this without getting lost with all the content on modding, maybe someone has advice, tutorial links... :ermm:

It would be very helpful.

Thank You.

Edited by PilgrimOnline
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Start with this tutorial. https://modding.wiki/en/hogwartslegacy/developers/asset-replacement


Two tips that took me awhile to learn:


It doesn't matter with smaller objects, but with clothes and whatnot make sure to turn off "scale down" when importing into blender. Otherwise the object will be 100x too small and the game will read it in wrong.


Also, I don't think the tutorial explains well how to know where to put dummy materials and such. Extract at the properties for the object in FModel and search for all references to "/game/." That's gonna be anything that needs to be referenced in unreal editor (materials, skeletons, physics opbjects, etc.) You don't want to pack those in the actual game files, you just want to create an asset with the same name in the same directory in UE and link it to your object, so when the game reads it in it points to the vanilla stuff.


I'm still trying to figure out cloth simulations and materials myself, so that's about as far as I have gotten.

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