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New Crash + Confused About Crash Log

Guest deleted76904998

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Guest deleted76904998

Having a new crash, started after trapping the dragon in Dragonsreach. It was happening whenever I went into third person and zoomed in on my character's face, or it happens when the dragon takes me to Skuldafn. I have a crash log and have read a guide but still don't understand what most of it means or what to do about it. If anyone could take a look at it and tell me where to start, it would be greatly appreciated. I have not uninstalled anything this playthrough except for a texture replacer for an outfit and this is literally the first crash I have had this playthrough.


Crash Log: https://pastebin.com/5bjH1ZWD


Load Order: https://pastebin.com/zrbreyqU

Edited by geistsouls
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