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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Farther Camera


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The camera in this game is really close, and the FOV option doesnt really help with how close the character is.


I'd love a way to change how close the default 3rd person camera is, and make it farther a wee bit.


Right in the beginning in the first mirror wall where they both get teleported, the camera distance is a bit farther when we are close to the wall, and I found that distance to be perfect, and I'd love to be able to set it as the normal camera distance.


Thank you.

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It would be awesome to have some new possibilities of camera, i'd like a bit taller cam because I always feel so under my character, it's weird.

Also, the crosshair when you aim isn't really in the middle of the screen, isn't it weird too? xD
It's a bit up, because camera is so down.

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