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Somewhat Newbie Question

Joseph Leito

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I'm not a modder.



Now that that's out of the way, I'm interested in light modding. :wallbash: Creating people, weapons (Probably just stealing skins for the weapons, I suck at 3D modeling.) items, maybe a few small buildings. I know the absolute basics: I can create a sword that's called "BFS", as long as I just copy another weapon, but I have no idea how to use the NIFs, etc, or to put a custom enchantment (IE: Soul Trap 10 sec on strike, Fire Damage 15 pts on strike).


As for people, I don't understand the scripts.


I'm not going to try to ask for someone to answer every one of my questions, but are there any tutorials out there (Couldn't find any on the CS wiki) that might help me?



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here's a little something I created by combining three different tutorials and then editing it to come up with an easy way to get your feet wet in "lite" modding and some insights into Nifskope


This tutorial will allow you to edit,add and delete armor and clothing pieces and combine same without Blender or 3d max knowledge.This is a beginners "Get your feet wet" tutorial.



Adding clothing and armors pieces to make new ones


Open a mesh in NifSkope


Open a second Mesh if NifSkope keeping the first mesh open also.


Remove unwanted items from first mesh, just right click on the part you don’t want,then go to block,click remove branch


Now, left click on the item that you want to move from mesh 2 to mesh 1


At the left, you’ll see a Nitri shape highlighted in blue


Right click on the highlighted wording, then go to block, select, copy branch.


Now go to mesh 1, look at top of column with listings for the mesh. You should see a zero, followed by Main Ninode, followed by “scene root”


Right click on “main Ninode, select block, paste branch.


Item should appear properly located in mesh 1 with no errors.


These steps are very important!!!!!!!

Click spells, optimize, remove bogus nodes

Click spells, optimize, strippify all TriShapes

Click spells, move to batch, Update tangent spaces, and save.

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The middle of this tutorial talks about NPC creation:




One main point you need to remember is that when you edit an NPC, you must give it a unique form ID, otherwise you change the NPCs in vanilla Oblivion. If the NPC is used in multiple places, you change the NPCs all over Tamriel all in one mistake. The easiest way to get a new NPC is to edit a similar one. Click on it in the Object List window of the CS, select edit, change its name, and when it asks you if you want to create a new form, say yes. Verify that the original NPC and your new NPC both exist, then open the new NPC and start changing it. Play with the appearance, the inventory, and spell list. Change the factions under Character / Packages. Change things like statistics and agression. (Agression and factions are very important to change, or your new NPC might be a sociopath who starts attacking everyone.) If you remove all the AI packages, the NPC will just stand in one spot and be boring. If nothing else, be sure they have a universal wander package from the top of the list, and maybe an eat package and a sleep package. If you edit AI packages, be sure to give them new IDs, otherwise you will mess up behavior all over Tamriel. For most bit-part, scenery, or enemy-type NPCs, you don't need to do any scripting or dialog. If you want to have conversations with them you are opening a giant can of worms. That part is possible to do, but for me it was very hard to learn. I don't know of any really good tutorials, but you can learn a lot by playing around. Just make an NPC, and start tinkering until you like how he or she looks and acts.

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