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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Outfits, and more ideas


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I mean obviously you giga chads are gonna be making a crap ton of content, but like, MOAR outfits please.

And if at all possible, maybe a modified "upgrading table" that lets us recolor clothing aswell.

Also, maybe an animation menu for roleplay purposes, sit, read, poses, ect

A "change character" at will sort of console menu would be nice too.

More hair options?

More necklace options? (Would be awesome to have some like dark magic oriented necklaces with a black smokey aura, and stuff like that)

ALSO, a keybind/menu to "non-essential" NPCs... so we can...*quicksave* and unalive everyone lol, thats a must

A stand alone idea for a cape; black cape, torn/shredded ;)


idk, I find the "dark wizard" attire is severely lacking, like more black oriented "outfits" plspls


Ik it's alot, but its food for thought. appreciate the modders out there already hard at work!

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