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I read about that game a while ago in a magazine. I'm a little leery about Bethesda making a shooter game. While Fallout 3 is a great game it's gunplay is actually mediocre at best. It's the exploring, open endedness, and replayability that makes it so great and I'm not even factoring in user made content. If Brink can be modded like other Bethesda games it might hold some water but as it stands right now Brink is only on my Rent list and it's really only there because Bethesda's making it. What's got my eye in 2010 is Diablo 3.


Subject I'm really doubting you've played the demo. It's set to release in Spring 2010 which means it's a long ways off from completion. If you really did get a demo it's most likely in it's alpha stage so it's a far cry from the finished release.


Edit: I almost forgot. I recently found out about Bethesda's MMO prject. According to Game Informer it's based off of Fallout. Full story comming soon when I got it.

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