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LF realism mod


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I would like a realism mod. I guess it would be a difficulty. How you damage them would be easiest difficulty and how they damage you would be like hardest difficulty(legendary i think). armor and magic would be taken into effect greatly.


Headshots 1shot people unless they have armor. Then it goes to a their armor skill vs your weapon skill and their armor vs your weapon. Daedric helm vs iron arrow. not much damage. daedric arrow vs iron helm dead. not just with headshots though but body shots as well and damage amplifiers/reducers for each type. chest heart box =dead or close too it, lung hit = half HP and a Max stamina debuff until they're healed or dead. losing other lung kills them. arm hit not much damage but enough hits/damage would disarm, legs would slow etc. damage to groin area should slow for a few seconds or paralize for one to two.


Fire damage should burn people and DoT them. Ice should impale them(like weapon or blunt force) or slow them down depending on the magic attack(kind of already does). Lightning should have a chance to paralize or disarm them.


add concussions and bleeding to death(stamina and max stamina slowly draining/debuffing) when stam hits 0 they/you pass out from damage and take more damage. when stam is gone from running hp drops slowly down to half depending on how much you keep running after that you have an effect that slows you down or makes your character vomit. no running can be done after that until healed, stam wont recharge until you eat something if you run until char vomits.


mana should effect damage dealt, after mana is drained you're allowed to cast one free spell but has a 25% chance to backfire.


more spells and variation, spells should scale with skill in that school

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