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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Fixing the circular skybox on ultrawide


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So im about 30 hours into the game and this visual bug is becoming more and more noticeable as the open world exploration is becoming available. The skybox on ultrawide is not supported and you can see this massive circle where the cut-off should be it's really immersion breaking and I know for a skilled modder it would be a straightforward fix. A couple of problems with ultra-wide in general: I know there is a patch to remove black bars from cutscenes on GitHub labeled as ultrawide support but it does not fix this issue, I would play it in borderless window mode and set it to 1440 but the resolution is locked on borderless windowed for some godforsaken reason, There is no exclusive fullscreen option for ultrawide. Any fix at all for this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a ton in advance to anyone that takes on this request <3.


Here is a screen shot so you can see what im talking about



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Whatever you want to call it. for a while I just thought it was an issue with my game and not even a problem with the ultra wide. And no fullscreen is crazy. I mean, I would have been cool with full screen in 16:9 and black bars. better than nothing.

Edited by Drevis
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