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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Contextual Spell Selection


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Slotted spell choices change according to context. Spells/abilities are added to the active spell diamond when in contexts where it makes sense, then are replaced with what was previously there when the player leaves that context/setting. Some examples:


  • The grab bag ability is added to your spell slots when near an animal den
  • Feeding and grooming ability for beasts is added when entering a vivarium
  • Transfiguration spells are added when in the Room of Requirement
  • Combat spells switched out for exploration/utility when in Hogwarts castle


Another, likely much more complex, idea is for combat spells to be slotted when entering combat against certain enemies. Potentially the player can customize all of these spell sets.


IMO, it really doesn't make sense to have to swap out the transfiguration spells and beast care abilities while in the RoR.

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