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Possibly Easy - Possibly Hard - UI Mod


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I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but hell, may as well ask, eh?


The premise itself is relatively simple. Add a row of icons to the UI which correspond to the spells/abilites/whatever in the hotkey menu, and changing hotkeys to have them select and cast the spell. Though the important part is that the icons are displayed on the HUD, in order.


If you have ever played World of Warcraft this probably sounds very familiar. :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ebil bump! :banana:


So does anyone have any thoughts? I'd gladly do this myself provided with a little direction on where to start...



Edit: M'kay, I read up on it, and I think I can do it via some (very ugly and unoptimized) scripting using OBSE (TapKey and IsKeyPressed3 in conjuction to cast as 1-8 is pressed)... though the UI won't actually be visually changed, which is part of what I'm after. :confused:


EditEdit: Can anyone explain why this isn't working?


scriptName aaaHotkeyWoWModProc

float fQuestDelayTime
short curKey

begin GameMode
set fQuestDelayTime to 0.2
if ( isKeyPressed3 curkey && curKey != 0 ); key still being held down
 return; wait until it's released
 set curkey to 0
 TapKey 46

if ( isKeyPressed3 2 )
; do stuff
 set curKey to 2

if ( isKeyPressed3 3 )
; do stuff
 set curKey to 3

if ( isKeyPressed3 4 )
; do stuff
 set curKey to 4

if ( isKeyPressed3 5 )
; do stuff
 set curKey to 5

if ( isKeyPressed3 6 )
; do stuff
 set curKey to 6

if ( isKeyPressed3 7 )
; do stuff
 set curKey to 7

if ( isKeyPressed3 8 )
; do stuff
 set curKey to 8

if ( isKeyPressed3 9 )
; do stuff
 set curKey to 9


I know it's ugly, I'm no expert at this. ;D

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