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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Diffrent wand core


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This would purely be a role play thing, but being able to have more than the three choices for the wand cores would be interesting, as well as takeing the length of our wands from 6" all the way to 18". From what I found, those are the extreem lenghts seen in history. But it would be neat to see stuff like Threstral hair, Basilisk fang, or even the Horn of a Horned Serpent. It would just be kind of fun to recreate famos wands from wizzarding history.

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I agree with @Gwhoves and would take the request a step farther asking that wand make-up actually matter in the game in a balanced way. Positives and negatives for each wood type and core separately would create an interesting gameplay mechanic and add replay-ability. Perhaps in the future a quest could be added for Olivander so that the player could learn some wandlore and learn to make or modify their own wand(s) in the Room of Requirement.
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