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Bed menu not working in AE 640


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Hello, I have a very few mods installed on my AE v. 640, so I don´t know if it´s a problem in the vanilla game, or with the "Go to bed" and "Sit on stuff" mods. (When I press "E" I just get out of bed instead of sleeping). Maybe someone can give me some help.

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Someone decided that T is the new E when it comes time to actually sleep. (apparently to match the hotkey used by wait)




1. press E to enter the bed

2. Press T to initiate the sleep cycle

3. exit with E, W, A, S, or D

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Verify it (ie confirm it for yourself). I presume that's the case, but it could be something else. Let us know.

Actually, I checked that it is a bug with "Go to bed".

Edited by Paula62
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