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[LE] Exterior Cell Ambient Sounds


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It's a custom Worldspace, and I'm trying to add some ambient sound to an exterior Cell (and all the neighbour Cells).

What I thought I could do was to add a Regeon reference to an audio preset. So I linked the Cell's Regeon to this:




This is a Regeon that features in all the Dawnguard's Dayspring Cannyon (exterior) Cells.


But in my custom Woldspace it doesn't work. There's still no ambient sounds, which makes the exteror open space feel unnatural and non-immersive.


What am I doing wrong?


I mean, I probably can add an Acoustic Space to each of the cells, or add Music to the whole Worldspace I'm working on.

But I don't want any music in the exterior space. And as for Acoustic Space, I've heard it is better to do via Regeon, the reference to the Region is what provides an ambient sound for an exterior type of cell, is that correct?

Edited by Skybroom
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If you have seted up correctly your worldspace's regions (in the region editor), then look at the 'AudioExtFallForestDLC1FortDawnguard' sound descriptor if it has any 'Conditions', like = GetInWorldspace == Dayspring Cannyon

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Okay, I can not find any "sound descriptor" records. Don't know what those are.

But I found "Regeon Areas" data, with a bunch of cooordinates. I think those are the coordinates of the Dayspring Cannyon, so the Region data is specified for that particular worldspace.


For now I am going to search for a Regeon with no Regeon Areas data. I'm gonna try AudioExtForestFallCity [REGN:000EA654]

which looks the type. Ima let you know if I succeed.

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