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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Faster Hippogriff/Thestral Flying


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I'd like to see a mod that speeds up hippogriffs and thestrals to at least boosted broom flying. Unless I'm missing something, right now they're just worse than riding a broom in almost every category. Slower in general, slower to mount/dismount, clunkier to control, more difficult to land, and no boosting. I read they can fly higher but I'm not sure what use that is? Unless you just like the aesthetic of riding a hippogriff or a thestral enough to deal with all the down-sides, there's really not a reason to use them at all. I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, just making my case for the mod.


Lore-wise, thestrals in particular are crazy fast. The first time Harry hopped his happy ass up on a thestral, he thought he'd never moved so fast in his life, and he'd been riding around on a top-of-the-line broomstick for 2 years at that point. Brooms from like a hundred years prior to that should not be faster than a thestral.

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