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Hogwarts Legacy

Newgame+ Mod Needed!


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I know there are some mods that add in a lot of stuff right at the start of the game.
But after a lot of testing some of these mods will break quest progress.

All spells at the start of the game does not break the quest progress anywhere, however some of the spells have some soft bugs.

Alohomora for example, if you use it before you get the quest to unlock it on the door for said quest It will break the whole quest chain.
Disillusionment will also cause a cutscene to be force skipped. The one where you learn the spell.
All 3 Curses will become Locked after the quest if you choose to "not" learn them.

Another mod that breaks the quest chain is a level 3 broom because the quest requires you to buy it. This is not tested just an assumption, maybe i can use my trainer with 1shot, inv and 4x speed to fly through the game to get to that part.
As for the conjuration stuff, I have no clue, but I am assuming they are fine as they are more like decorations items you pick up when exploring.

Cosmetics are great to add, however the mod I used caused them not to be added to collections or work towards your progression.

I also had heard that unlocking all loom upgrades make them non equipable but I have not tested that myself. Will check that later.

Basically getting a clean and working NG+ mod would be absolutely amazing.

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