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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Removing ROQ placement limitations/OOB


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I was wondering if it's possible to remove the part of the placement system inside the Room Of Requirenment, that prohibits you from placing furniture items bc they are to close to another item. Even getting it close to the item model is good enough, it's the square hitbox itself that is the issue.
Ofc if that could lead to clipping stuff slightly inside each other would be ever better for decorating the space! Full free placement inside the instance/shell of the area would be the ideal, where you can place stuff anywhere as long as it's a placeable surface and judging by the little magical swirl it still detects that.


The system is way to strict, for example I can't place a bush next to a random brick wall unless it's at least 3m away.. creating immersive areas in the animal and room sections is possible but very limited.

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