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Hogwarts Legacy

Mods request: Death eater black smoke for swift talent


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So my idea would be making one of the upgradable talents in the game (swift) into an upgradable ability in the dark arts tree. The evolution would add to it so that instead of just a quick dodge, with the upgrade the character would turn into black smoke like the death eaters (and dark arts users in the game) do. Also the option to go farther than a few feet (ideally be able to fly through the air with it as fast as or faster than the in game broom with the same in game option to speed up or stay idle as black smoke). The animations for the black smoke are already in the game. Hope someone out there with the skills agrees with me.

Side note: It would also be cool to have the flowing robes Voldemort has... and maybe be able to change your face to his (or just change it in general) with the tailor in Hogsmead. Cheers to anyone that took the time to read.
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