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Radier mod idea


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I was thinking, what if a mod allowed the player to be a raider? What I was thinking was that the played could join a group of raiders (this means that multiple factions of raiders would have to be made) and joining that faction would have certain ups and downs, for example: Joining a faction gives the player a new place to stay (shops, beds, and more) access to new equipment (maybe each faction will have they're own armor, and possibly unique weapons) and a quest that the player can follow, maybe like the Oblivion faction quest, go there and do this and eventually you'll become the leader and once the player is the leader there could be an on going quest to acquire more land for your faction by either destroying the other factions or forming alliances (forming alliances will cause some factions that were friendly to yours to becoming enemies, but you were going to kill them anyways right?) and eventually the player will have rule over the entire wasteland and the player could either send out or lead raiding parties (the waste doesn't have a lot of places to raid though, maybe adding more small settlements will help) and get caps, items, and maybe more people for the factions. Long story short, this will lead to sort of gang wars between raider factions over land.
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