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Just come up with an ambitious Idea and I want to see if its do-able

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The Plan Because Player Homes can lonely is add a pet , but not just a dog or cat

The Aim would be to have miniture friendly versions of deathclaws, gatorclaws , radscorpions etc,
But to give players a bit of choice is it possible to enable markers via an activation script

Like Show Menu,

Make selection death claw and have it like

If (SelectedOption == 1)
EnableMarker (x)


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Fallout 76 style, hm, but actually nice.


If that's a fixed setup, then can Enable/Disable placed Actors directly, i think.


Or can be something involving a dynamic quest at random location. Build a marker, then start a quest which spawns creature of choice based on SelectedOption and binds its sandbox package to given marker. With heavier scripts support there can be unlimited number of spots, but probably that's not really necessary and some fixed amount is fine. Many variants there, i guess.


ps. Want hints only or detailed solution? Think i'm stealing this idea for ps4 either way.

Edited by hereami
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Find this in Scripts testStealthSwitchSCRIPT.psc . Or this testDisableEnableLinkOnActivate


May place and assign EnableParent refs for easier control on packs of creatures, if necessary. Although not sure if Actors accept Enable Parent, but probably they do.

Edited by hereami
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