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Hogwarts Legacy

Mod request: fix graphic bugs


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I have been experiencing these graphical issues ever since the "day one" patch, and nothing I try does anything to alleviate the issues. I have no similar issues in other games or benchmarks.
Birds, bats etc have black spikes connecting them to a point in the ground. House elves have strobing disco lights around them. Picking up ancient magic orbs surrounds the MC with light shafts. Cauldrons in Hogsmeade surrounded by strobing lights. Water droplets in a cave cause the same strobe effect when hitting the puddle. Some spells, like Accio, Arresto Momentum have jagged, polygonal shapes when cast on the ground.


So, Nvidia drivers don't fix this, game updates don't fix this. Maybe someone who dabbles in game files can shed some light on this issue, maybe create a fix? At this point, any help is welcome.


Here's some screenshots that show the issue:



And here's my bug report, in case you want to help by voting it up:


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