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Can't use Any type of Smithing stations or crafting stations.


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In case it helps anyone: I just fixed this by uninstalling Captured Dreams.


Hadn't touched it in forever, but it was just sitting there messing up my game lol. Whew, glad to be back in business!

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  • 10 months later...


If you have trouble with TAI i made sure i was standing away from any npc's and clickec myself with the console command window up. then typed tai.. just incase someone was using player.tai or some other method.. if you use the click method I suggest being sure you're clear of npc's just to be sure..

Thank you so much!!


This is what actually ended up working for me. I thought ‘player.tai’ wasn’t working until I did it away from any followers and NPCs (made all followers wait away from me and used the workbench in Breezehome).

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I had this problem not being able to enter crafting or smithing stations. This solution helped from nightcat




The player TAI fix solved it for me.. So it might work for others..

Just being thorough.. Anyone who mods much likely knows the suggestions below but just to be thorough heres some suggestions..


If you have trouble with TAI i made sure i was standing away from any npc's and clicked myself with the console command window up. then typed tai.. just in case someone was using player.tai or some other method.. if you use the click method I suggest being sure you're clear of npc's just to be sure..




Ok I started having this problem when I started using Jaxons Positioner a mod used to moved objects in houses etc BTW (similar problems may happen with other postioner mods).. I use followers and they tend to idle near the PC when they are on follower mode while you are trying to move objects well they walk in front of you and are captured instead of the target object. To stop this i turned off the AI using the TAI command. which helped stop the npcs moving. However i some how made a mistake and I guess I clicked on my PC and didn't know it happened. You can't usually tell because you are telling the PC what to do with the game controls. But It seems to effect executive functions like entering the crafting station mode. As in Use Workbench. So if it happens try the tai command on your PC and see if it helps .


Also make sure when you are using Jaxkons Postioner that the keyboard short cuts don't overlap. I believe I was having problems with that In the SkyUI mod because i noticed my bow and sword switching while using the positioner. But I do know that using the TAI command on the PC seemed to fix that. I hope Iwas some what clear in this explanation. CHEERS








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  • 2 years later...

I was having the same issue where I couldn't use the Smithy, Armorer workbench, Grindstone, or Tanning rack. I had just uninstalled Divine Cities, which is a great mod, but it causes my Xbox to not load properly in Whiterun and crash. I reinstalled Divine Cities and now I can use the crafting benches.

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