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Trogg retexture


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Anyone out there feel like retexturing the Troggs from The Pitt to look all blackened, charred and burnt? Maybe see about rigging up some glowing eyes or something for them?


Having recently intergrated TheOutbreak's Wasteland Moods mod to The Pitt (Really easy to do BTW), I was pondering what else could be done to increase the scaryness of The Pitt, specifically the Steelyard. Give it a Silent Hill feel (as the idea came from adding the Silent Hell mod to The Pitt, as stated previously) or something. Nursed and PH come last I suppose since there's already some very creepy monsters out there.


And I do realize that there's an official Silent Hill mod thread somewhere here, but I thought "Hey, why not baby steps?".


So anyway, anyone feel like whipping up some textures for Troggs?

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